Planning & Zoning

The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews proposed amendments to zoning ordinances, site plans and plat applications, and makes recommendations to the Town Council regarding the current and future development of the Town of Pierson under the town's comprehensive plan.

Planning & Zoning Commissioners are nominated and elected by the Town Council. The current Commissioners are Chairman Paul Martel, Vice Chairman R. Blair Davis, Jonathan Vickers, Pastor Max Tyus, and Jeff Herren.

Planning & Zoning Commission meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of the month, if needed. Agendas will be posted in advance if a meeting is scheduled.

Residents and businesses with questions regarding their land zoning and use may schedule a meeting with our Town Planner by calling (386) 749-2661.

Land Development Regulations for the Town of Pierson are available through Municode by clicking on the following link: